Returning Citizens - with Noel Moran
Welcome to Speaking of Inclusion... the podcast that explores the ever-evolving angles of inclusion, helping you to move from curious and cautious to confident. I'm your host, Katie Allen, and today's episode is a thought-provoking and challenging discussion with our guest, Noel Moran, on the topic of returning citizens.
Noel is a remarkable individual with a personal journey of transformation, emphasises the importance of understanding people beyond their actions and circumstances. In our conversation, Noel challenges us to step away from judgment and labels, and to instead consider the complexities and challenges that all of us as individuals face.
Throughout the episode, Noel shares his own experiences and the profound impact that conversations and understanding can have on how we perceive one another. We explore the concept of a trauma-informed approach, exploring how it can support individuals with criminal backgrounds, as well as society as a whole.
Now, here's what you can expect in terms of key takeaways from this episode:
1. The Power of Understanding: Instead of solely focusing on someone's actions, it is crucial to understand their background and circumstances. This understanding can lead to new opportunities for individuals to turn their lives around.
2. Trauma-Informed Approach: Embracing a trauma-informed approach not only benefits individuals with convictions, but it also fosters empathy and understanding across society. By acknowledging and addressing the trauma people may have experienced, we can build a more compassionate and supportive community.
3. Opportunities for Rehabilitation: It is essential to provide returning citizens with opportunities for employment and rehabilitation. By giving people the chance to work and rebuild their lives, we can break the cycle of imprisonment and support individuals to reintegrate successfully into society and rebuild within their communities.
And as you would expect from me, here's a question for you to reflect on while listening to this episode: How can we actively contribute to creating a more inclusive society that gives individuals with convictions the opportunity to reintegrate and thrive?
Get settled in to gain new insights and expand your perspective as we explore the transformative power of understanding and inclusivity with Noel Moran. So, let's dive right in and listen to this compelling conversation on returning citizens.
Noel can be found on LinkedIn @NoelMoran
Additional notes: We refer in the podcast to EVP, and I am grateful to those of you that gave me the feedback that we didn't explain what this means. So... This stands for Employee Value Proposition. It's a term that is used in organisations, usually by recruiters or HR, to sum up all the ways in which that org is positioning itself as an employer of choice. It's the "what's in it for you" bit of their offer. Hope that is helpful!
All feedback is welcome, so if there any other terms of things that don't make sense - let me know and we'll make sure to cover them!