Explained! In 10 or Less... Allyship


Welcome to "Speaking of Inclusion," the podcast that explores the ever-evolving angles of inclusion, helping you to move from curious and cautious to confident. I'm your host, Katie Allen, and I'm doing something a little different this week…

In today's episode, titled "Explained! In 10 or less," we're going to tackle the concept of being an ally in just 10 minutes or less. I know you've had questions about allyship, from what it means to actively practice it, and I'm here to provide the answers.

Here are three key takeaways from this episode

1. Understanding the essence of allyship: I'll break down the definition of an ally and go beyond the surface to explore the role of action and active participation in being an ally. We'll explore how each of us has the potential to be an ally to various groups, and the responsibilities and privileges that come with it.

2. Performative allyship vs actionable allyship: I'll explain the difference between performative allyship, which is simply saying the right things without making a real investment in action, and actionable allyship, which involves showing up when no one is

looking and making tangible efforts to support marginalised communities.

3. Motivations for allyship: We'll explore the two common motivations that drive people to become allies - moral beliefs and personal impact. Reflect on your own motivations and consider

how they influence your allyship journey.


As I said, this is a new thing for me this week, so I’d love to know what you think...

Right then - lets dive into the world of allyship and gain a deeper understanding of how we can all contribute to creating a more inclusive and equitable society, in this very first episode of

Explained! In 10 or less on the Speaking of Inclusion…podcast.

Additional notes: We refer in the podcast to EVP, and I am grateful to those of you that gave me the feedback that we didn't explain what this means. So... This stands for Employee Value Proposition. It's a term that is used in organisations, usually by recruiters or HR, to sum up all the ways in which that org is positioning itself as an employer of choice. It's the "what's in it for you" bit of their offer. Hope that is helpful!

All feedback is welcome, so if there any other terms of things that don't make sense - let me know and we'll make sure to cover them!


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